Welcome to our website devoted to Ham Radio and Lighthouses.

There is a strong following of lighthouse enthusiasts around the world and amateur radio makes for an interesting connection.

Purpose of activities:

i. This event is not a contest, there are no prizes or any other enticements to participate and is therefore free of charge.

ii. To promote public awareness of ham radio and lighthouses in Malaysia.

iii. To acknowledge the contribution and recognition of the lighthouses and their keepers.

iv. To foster fellowship among members of the various Ham Radio clubs and Lighthouse Societies in Malaysia.

v. To gain experience for DX-peditions for the Ham Radio operators and to promote “exotic” Malaysia among International DXCC chasers or seekers.

vi. Pilot project proposed, as a future yearly event on the 2nd weekend of August and to be inserted in the Tourism Malaysia Calendar of the year.
vii. Since the 2nd weekend of August every year, coincides with the “Asia Pacific JOTA”, this ILLW event is extended to all Boy Scouts and Girl Guides via BP House Malaysia, to join in the fun at the light houses or contact the light houses via Ham Radio.


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Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Lighthouse entry for Terengganu

How nice another one more station comming up from Bukit Puteri, Kuala Terengganu with Station Master 9M2SIX. Hope will meet you on air soon. Good Luck